Selling Selling Hearthstone services - EU/NA/Asia - cheap&fast - highly repped

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dartexx, 11/22/17.

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  1. Dartexx

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    NO BOTS/hacks/cheats! Only safe manual playing so you don't have to worry about your account safety.
    Boosting is done by pro HS players, who took legendary ranks many times, some of them - with experience in competitions! No fishy IPs or anything, boosters i work with are mostly from Russia/Ukraine.
    So there is no ban risk - unless you were doing something fishy(like using bots) before you gave your account to us, but if somehow something happens to your account because of us - we will refund you for it.

    You will need the cards or enough dust to forge one of the top decks of the # at the time of the order(those decks are usually cheap so it isn't a problem in most cases)
    We will need access to your account, we will delete your account info right after the boost, you should still change password before and after the boost just in case.
    While boost is being done you can't log into the account, it might cause access issues.

    Ranks boosting:
    25-15 - 1$(USD) per rank
    15-10 - 3.5$(USD) per rank
    10- 5 - 5$(USD) per rank
    5- 1 - 10$(USD) per rank
    1-Legend - 20$(USD)

    Golden Hero Portrait:
    0.25$(USD) for each win(100 wins - 25$(USD) etc.)

    Heroes Skin Unlock:
    Lady Liadrin – New Paladin Hero - 15$(USD)
    1. Requires Account Sharing
    2. Competition time - 3-5 hours
    Morgl The Oracle - New Shaman hero - 9$(USD)
    1. Does not require account sharing
    2. Competition time 30 mins - 2 hours
    Arthas Paladin Skin(you need to defeat Arthas with all classes to get it)
    5$(USD) per class

    (You will get a special card back when all heroic bosses in all wings are defeated):
    Each heroic boss - 4$(USD)
    Each heroic wing - 10$(USD)

    Too much RNG is involved here but we can work it out if you need 5-7-12 wins etc. - just let me know

    Payment options:

    (dartex2008 is my skype username)
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