If this is the wrong subforum, please move it accordingly. Apologies in advance. The backstory behind my motives: In 2016 a car-based group was created and I joined it very early on. At that time 3 admins were in charge of the group, these were the group creator and two of his friends. The group creator is the one I have a problem with, we'll call him #1. I didn't join it to become an admin, but I always reported spam within minutes of it appearing. #1 saw what I did and made me admin. This continued for about a year where I was able to monitor the group close to 24/7 and remove any spam. Note that I did 70% of the admin work with accepting members, declining members, removing posts and posting in the group. The other admins were simply useless and could just be members and you would never see the difference. The group has about 20k members now. During that time, #1 changed rules whenever he liked it. They were never major changes, but he never told the admins about if before-hand (I expected him to start an-admins only group chat). Last week he posted about letting people in under 16, but he asked the members on their input as the problem was somehow so big that admins didn't suffice apparently. The members said that kids were to not be allowed from now on which I heavily disagreed with as kids can easily be fans too. Even more, during the time that I was admin there has never been a kid that violated group rules by posting spam or anything off-topic so this issue did not exist at all. But in the end, the group decided so kids are no longer allowed which is unfortunate but democratic. Then a couple days later #1 straight up banned GIFs in comments without letting anyone know, not even members. No one complained about them actually. Everyone loved GIFs but apparently they were to be gone and he's not taking any argument against it as he will just ban you, because he's already done it with some. I also went against it, along with saying that he should always ask admins before changes the rules in such a big way. Now he also removed my admin rights, I was the most active admin he's ever had. I want to take the group over. I want to turn it from a dictatorship into a democracy. Ask admins and members for input on ongoing or upcoming issues. I want to grow a page along with it, I want to write PDFs full of info like troubleshooting and history. I want to clean ship by removing the useless admins. In short, I want to grow the group in ways that the current admins lack right now as he's just damaging the group at this point. Who can make sure this account get a permanent ban? I want this so he loses the 'creator' rights and can't hold the immunity he has right now (added admins can't ban the group creator). If he's gone I can take over from there. Please reach out to me if you can be of help and we will discuss matters like price..