K56: Selling 2 Accts SH21 and SH14

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    Account 1

    Kingdom: 56 (Monos)

    In Top 5 Alliance

    45 million power

    210,000 gold

    21 Stronghold

    21 Barracks

    21 Forge

    21 Villa

    21 Gymnos

    21 Storehouse

    21 Watchtower

    21 Hospital

    20 Academy, Combat skilled 8 or higher

    700,000 Tier 3 Troops

    800,000 Tier 1 / Tier 2 Troops

    Hero Level 49 with Epic Trap and Attack Gear

    Account 2

    Kingdom: 56 (Monos)

    4.9 million power

    14 Stronghold

    450,000 Gold

    300,000 Tier 2 Troops

    5+ Million of each Resource

    140 days worth of speed ups

    Also have farm accounts that produce stone, wood, or ore (Over 1.5m a day). I'll throw one of your choice in with sale.

    Can sell the accounts separate or together as a package. Buy both and you'll get one of each farm.

    Will consider all reasonable offers.

    Hi how much u want for Account 2?

    Pls PM Me

    how much for each account contact me please!
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