Selling bnet account! D3 para 731, heathstone, sc2 hots, sc remastered!! Us

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dead Stark, 11/20/17.

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  1. Dead Stark

    Dead Stark
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    on D3, i have paragon level 731, i have all chars to level 70 except barb which is level 68. My crusader has soloed around level 70+ greater rifts pretty easily, he has the thorns build, it's pretty easy. I have level 74 barofsky's chip, level 71 bane of the trapped, level 72 bane of the stricken. My crusader has 9 pieces of ancient legendary on him. And calldesan's despair level 71 on ancient legendary leroic's crown. I've soloed around level 50ish greater rifts on my necro too which he does pretty easily.

    other decent level gems i have: zei's stone of vengenace level 55, estoic alteration level 54, Bane of powerful level 40, the enforcer level 45. My stashes are completely full i have scuds of ancient legendary stuff that I've found

    THIS IS A LINK TO MY D3 ACCOUNT TO MAKE THINGS EASIER. My crusader cuts thru the game like butter and if youwanna farm and level gems? i doubt anything is faster.

    I AM THE ORIGINAL OWNER OF THIS ACCOUNT and I've had it for a very long time! At least 10+ years I have SC2, with HOTS expansion, i have SC remastered, and yes I have the Necromancer and ROS d3 expansions.

    Now on to hearthstone.. i have several of the expansion wings unlocked, kara, blackrock mountain and league of explorers. I have 7 legendary cards that went to wild that you can dust. On standard I have finja, patches, archmage, moroes, cenarius, mediv, maron the fox, anomulous,barnes, prince malch, aya blackpaw, bloodmage thalnos, curator.

    IM ASKING $150 paypal for these accounts. Which is a great deal. You can email me @ [email protected] or message me on here too. I'm a trustworthy guy and not looking to scam anyone, I have carpal tunnel in my right hand so my days of pc gaming with mouse/keyboard are over.

    - - - Updated - - -

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