Selling Selling [EU] +15 Fiona

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by omgzombie, 11/19/17.

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  1. omgzombie

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    Vindictus [Europe]

    Selling account with all classes ingame leveled up to 95.
    More Premium slots available if you want to create Miri.
    Some of the characters have NX outfits, Main character has around 10 NX outfits including exclusive sets like Succubus Queen Set and Justicar Rose.
    Main Character on the account is Fiona with +15 level 90 fully orange/scrolled Longsword and +10 armor. ranked in the top 20
    Att: 30k
    def: 16k
    BAL: 90
    Attack Speed: 90
    Crit :130

    70/70 Gold Ein Lacher
    550+ titles
    70% Neamhain Full Force

    Can answer any further questions via discord or skype.

    Taking only serious offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    İbrahim Çamurcu likes this.
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