Selling Very cheap 5supreme global mobius account

Discussion in 'Mobius Final Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser5133, 11/18/17.

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  1. FBUser5133

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    hi im selling my mobius final fantasy account with 5 supremes - aerith,duncan,minwu,neo exdeath,zexat all maxed.
    2 copy of neo exdeath, 5-6 copy of aerith with different fractals.
    with lot of jobs and legend jobs. with lightning skin. has fauviste meia and amartya .mastermonk.snow,zidane.s1c and many more.complete list oldjobs with hof also.
    lot of fractals,materials, and it has a 4* mp skill damage up+10percent,break powerup+10percent,heal+10percent.
    ign [L'cie] MCburger
    full 3*enchance light on pugilist
    ranking top10 on towers
    this account is so strong.
    Level 119 and going up. havent finished meia chapter 6.2 yet.
    ill just send OTP then delete mine but u have to send money first in westernunion. dont worry im quitting and i dont scam. search me on facebook my cover photo is sephirot and thats my 1 and only facebook. i dont have bank account but i think i can ask my brothers/sisters if ud like bank transfer.
    selling this account for just 500dollars
    or u can shoot me some reasonable offers. thanks .dont worry i take funny offers too. :) this account is #. so pm me thanks. im always online in facebook.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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