Sold [USA] [H] Nintendo Switch w/ grey joycons, accessories, games, SNES classic [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Nintendo Switch Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Nimnba, 11/16/17.

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  1. /u/Nimnba

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    Switch with grey joycons/all original accessories - $240

    128 GB card - $20

    Neon Joycons - $45

    Pro controller - $45

    Joycon charging station - $10

    LoZ SE box with goodies (case, coin, map) NO GAME - $30

    Mario Kart wheels - $10

    Super Mario Odyssey - $45

    Mario Kart 8 - $45

    SNES classic - $80

    PRICES ARE OBO. Shipping is calculated for the items and paid by the buyer.

    # #/Nimnba
    . .
    #1 /u/Nimnba, 11/16/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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