Selling Selling Trials of the Nine Guaranteed Flawless Service [PC/PS4]

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by ScapeMF, 11/15/17.

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  1. ScapeMF

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    DISCLAIMER: You are paying for a service, NOT a delivered good!

    Contacting me (Michael) beforemaking any purchases would be highly appreciated to ensure proper scheduling and lightning-fast service.
    Text: 321-271-8228




    Standard Account Recovery: $20.00

    Standard Carry: $40.00

    Want your account completed faster and move your position in the queue to the front of the line?

    Account Recovery: $25.00

    PRIORITY Carry: $45.00

    Contact me to discuss prices, special requests, and proper scheduling.


    • If you purchase an account recovery for $20.00, you will be GUARANTEED completion by the LAST day of the Trials of the Nine weekend (Tuesday at 5am EST.)
    • Buying a PRIORITY Account Recovery or a PRIORITY Carry automatically puts you next in line.

    • Level 20
    • 260 Power Level or Above
    • Fully Upgraded Subclass Path
    • Call to Arms Milestone Completed AT LEAST ONCE per Character

    About us:


    BlackScapeMF, BeastyD23, SlayersJT828, Jomogo16, Cody_300, HoldDaSalt

    We are all Year One Guardians who have went to Lighthouse over 600 times combined and have done over 300+ account recoveries. We have great team chemistry and love playing Destiny and helping people to the Lighthouse.We pride ourselves in patience with lesser experienced guardians, and focus on making them better players as we help them achieve their flawless passage and "sweet, precious loot."

    In Destiny 2, we have thrived in the battlefield. Every single team member has above a 3.0 KA/D and a 90%+ win ratio and over 75 account recoveries completed in the FIRST month of Trials of the Nine. In short, we don't lose, and getting your character to The Third Spire won't be an issue.

    Although stats don't mean everything, they are an indicator of how consistent a player performs in Destiny 2. Our stats make us more than qualified to do recoveries/ carries. Feel free to browse our stats with the pictures provided!

    Orders will be completed within one day of purchase, and may be delayed. If a delay occurs, you will be immediately contacted and updated. If for some unforeseen reason we are unable to take your character to The Third Spire, we will issue a full refund of your money ASAP.

    For more information about pricing, scheduling, and specials, text me (Michael). Make sure to include your PSN Email/Battletag and password in the purchase notes. Your PSN/Battletag information will be kept confidential and erased the moment we finish using your account.

    To make you feel safe and stay in the loop with our progress, we will stream our recovery runs on at your request.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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