Selling WTS EU Account. Hearthstone/ Diablo/ Wow/ Starcraft

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jerri, 11/14/17.

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  1. jerri

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    Europe Account.
    1. Games
    -Dialo 3 Reaper of Souls (without necromancer)
    -Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm
    -Wow Draenor.
    2. Hearthstone. 36 card shirts (including legendary). 27 legends. 64 epic(1 golden). 234 rare ones. All adventures are unlocked. Golden hunt.
    Diablo 3 - Played only seasonal characters, but there is something in the standard.
    Wow -, there you can see the achievements, mounts and everything that interests.
    3. For all questions, write in a PM. You can in Telegram: @WyJerri
    4. Method of payment Qiwi/Paypal(friends and family).
    5. Price: 80$
    You will get desired email you wish to change for in this account (I can change to w/e email you wish to have) Battle Tag is still able to change, since I did not change it once so you can pick and choose w/e you like!
    You will get desired email you wish to change for in this account (I can change to w/e email you wish to have)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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