Selling Selling Opts japan epic starter account bb new ex sa lvl 8 + wb ex sa + sabo sa

Discussion in 'One Piece Thousand Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Redoxz, 11/14/17.

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  1. Redoxz

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    Epic starter Account for OPTS Japan. BB Ex sa almost lvl 8.

    BB Ex SA is lvl 7 BUT is only 100 short of lvl 8. As you can see on the picture on the bottom link.
    It has some type cards lvled up so it is over 300k damage and it will go even more once you lvl it up to 8.
    (as you can see on the second picture)

    This BB card was pulled with incredible luck using gems from story mode. So story mode is complete.
    You can buy $100 usd of gems and expect to get a lvl 6 maybe lvl 7 IF you are really lucky but a lvl 8. You need at least $150 usd. So I am saling this at $75 since it is short of being lvl 8 but if I don't sell it before next fame and I lvl it up to 8 this will be worth alot more.
    (only need 1 low lvl Kureha card for lvl 8)

    You can pull on next BB ex-event anything and it will get it to lvl 8, you will do over 300k dmg.
    Or you can rank top 5000 on the next fame event, and get a Kureah card to lvl it up to lvl 8.

    Nice type lvl and great ex SA to start in japan opts game.

    Strongest Character 160k+ BB double SA

    BB new EX sa lvl 7 (almost llv 8)
    WB new EX sa lvl 5
    Kizaru Ex sa lvl 3

    Sabo SA lvl 4
    wb old sa lvl 1
    BB old SA lvl 2
    Van Beckham old SA lvl 4

    Look at cards & Medals Here

    Price $75 usd - non negociable
    Paypal only.
    PM only if you have the money and are interested in buying.
    No trades no BS.
    We can use middle man but you pay for it.
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  2. Madara Sama

    Madara Sama
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    I am interested just for 30€
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  3. Madara Sama

    Madara Sama
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