Looking for someone to exchange a $35 PayPal MyCash card.

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by CalGod21, 11/13/17.

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  1. CalGod21

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    I bought a $30 paypal mycash card quite a while ago, but unfortunately realized that I can't add it to my account since I'm not 18 yet and they ask for social security number to verify your account. I was wondering if someone could activate the card on their account, and send me back $25 to my paypal account?

    You would get $5 in exchange, and you need to be 18 years old, have verified Paypal account, and be located in the USA.

    Looking for vouched/reputable people only.
    Thanks, my Skype is therolandchin555, it's a picture of Fetty Wap.
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