Sold Selling Rumble Fighter Account

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jessyvu1, 11/12/17.

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  1. jessyvu1

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    Price $:
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    Level : 35

    Hair: Stardust Hat BF LE, Black Flash, Blockrock Hair (M), Cyclops Bat Mask, Dummy Hair Black, Goblin Dog Mask, Fox Ninja Mask, Quiet Genius, Baseball Cap(M), Rabbit Hair(M, Red, Black, Green), Red Heart Hat, Dark Phoenix Helm, Skeleton Helm, Witch Hat, Alice Hair (Dark and Red)

    Eyes : Dark Eyes, Crystal Blue Eyes, Frostwolf Eyes

    Top : 8th Anniversary T-shirt, VTD PJ Top (M), Long Coat(Black), Stardust Top BF LE, Vampire Top, Dummy Shirt Black, B E Top (M) , Southside Soccer Jersey, Marine Jacket, Rabbit Shirt(M, Black, Red, Green), Vladimir Breatplate, Exorcist Top, USA Bikini Top, Enchanted Top, Alice Shirt ( Black and Green)

    Bottom : USA Speedo, VTD Pj Bottom, Stardust Bottoms BF LE, Vampire Slacks, Dummy Pants, Black Dragon Bottoms x2( different stats on each bottom), Graceland Bottoms, Fireproof Bottoms, Rabbit Pants (Black, Red, Green), Vladimir Greaves, Cancer Bottoms, Valkyrie Fauld (silver), Dr. Nature's Costume, USA Bikini, Enchanted Mini, Alice Pants ( Red, Green, Black)

    Gloves : 8th Anniversary Gloves, VTD PJ Gloves, Stardust Gloves BF LE, Yin Yang Gloves, Lead Gloves, Dummy Gloves, Exorcist gloves x2( Different states on each glove), Azoth Gloves,

    Shoes : VTD PJ Shoes, Cupid Slippers, Dummy Shoes, W11 Cleats (White), Classic black High tops, Blood Mage Boots, Dark Phoenix Greaves

    Accessories : 8th Anniversary Title, Valentine Lollipop, Valentine Heart, Skull Eye patch, Sold Out Sign, Yin Yang Bag, Yin Yang Mask, Black Neko Ears, Black Friday Cape, Halloween Ear Ring, Sharp Elf Ear, Metatron Title, Dark Phoenix Title, Stars and Stripes, Patrol Andro Booster, Light Steampunks, Valentine Title, Blue Halos, Jawbone Mask, Square Frame(white), Nitoryu Blood, Single Rose, Vampire Pendant, Ivans Cape, Valhalla Amulet, 7274 Turtle Shells, 14273 Devil Wings, 4012 Angel Wings, Fire Pearls, Orange Scarf, Green Scarf, Yellow Mong

    Exos (25 Perm Exos) : Dark Power, Black DOT, Xero Discus BFE, Shield Cannon BF LE, Lighting Sword (Black), Martial Arts (Black), Hellbacker 2015, Yin Yang, Blood Revolver, Suriya Crystal, Persona, Phaira, Shield Cannon(Regular), Ice Blaster, Chain Massacre, Thunder Blades( Regular), Flame Claw, Blazing Enforcer, Tactical Bow, Relentless Mace, Magma Destroyer, Brown Taurus, Soul Saber, Blue Skyhorn, LM-02 (Black)

    Scrolls ( 30 Perm Scrolls) : Parkour, Hung Gar, Hitman BF LE, Blood Wing Ninjitsu (Black), Taekwondo SE, Drunken Master, Dragon, Muay Thai, Abyss, Red Rock Ninjustu, Avenger, Tongbeiquan, Electro, Stinger, Hitman, Lightning, Blood Wing Ninjitsu, Shoot Boxing, Zin Taekwondo, Zin Karate, Rage, Pa Kua Kwon, Mystic Arts, Krav Maga, White Fang, Shaolin Crane, Ice Breaker, Muay Boran, Lucha Libre, Tengoryu Karate

    Job - Striker (M and F), Soul Fighter (M), Elementalist (M and F), Alchemist (M), Android (F)

    Extra : I have lots of Enchant stuff, like Gems, and stuff for Avalons, I have a Avalon But have not finished, Barely has any stats on it, only has Crit C rank, ARM B rank, and CRI D rank. Didnt have time to put other avalon stats on it,.

    I have the whole Star Dust BF LE set, All colors of the Rabit set from the Boss mode, I have the Vampire Set, I have the Dummy halloween Set, This account has a lot of rares in my opinion. I want to sell this account because I dont play this game anymore and there is no use.

    If you have any questions, Message me on kik at lilgansta5, skype at jessy.vu1 (perfer kik because goes straight to my phone)
    You can Message me on Steam Also,
    Steam Community :: Audicy
    If you are messaging me on Steam Please msg me about the Rumble Fighter Account.
    I can show screenshots of anything, just message me
    If you want to make an offer, Please msg me and I will get to you as soon as possible.

    I accept CSGO Skins.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Also, This account has lots of stats, stats are mostly for guild Waring, Stats consist of the basic Gwing stats, 40,40,40 with lots of SP.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP

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    Account Includes 200k Carats also.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  4. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    This is a confirmation that a buyer has paid for this listing.

    What is the next step?

    1). A startup ticket has already been opened with @Middleman and the buyer. @Middleman is now verifying the buyers payment.

    2). Upon verifying the buyers payment, @Middleman will activate the buyers private conversation, sellers private conversation ticket, and buyers/sellers 3 way conversation ticket.

    3). No further steps are required on the sellers behalf until we have opened the 3 way conversation ticket with @Middleman, the buyer, and the seller included in the ticket.

    If you have any questions in the meantime, you may contact us directly here.
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