Sold Selling Khux (global) KairiEX, 3 lvl 35 Keyblades!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Veny123, 11/12/17.

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  1. Veny123

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Account info:
    Days Played: 486
    Medals purchased with jewels: 1123
    Lvl 300


    2M&B's, 6 Power Gems, 1 Speed Gem, 12 Magic Gems, 2 Moon Gems
    +35 Keyblades:
    Divine Rose

    Guilted Medals: Tier 4+
    KH2 Cloud EX: 150% AB4 Max
    Illustrated Ansem: 130% AB4 Max
    Illustrated Belle and Beast: 139% SP1
    Illustrated KH2 Sora: 150% AB3 Max And SP1
    Illustrated Cloud: 113%
    SP Vanitas: 131% AB4 Max and SP2
    Key Art #10: 120% -60 Air Defense AB4
    Pride Lands Sora: 180% SC2 DA, 40% Raid Damage

    HD Sora: 104%
    Xehanort And Vanitas: 102% AB4 Max
    Dark Riku: 150% AB3 Max and SP1
    KDG: 101% AB3 & AP+ & Lux+ X2 +1000 STR
    Illustrated HT Sora: 121% AB3 Max DA, -60 Ground Defense
    Key art #9: 109% AB3 and SP2 -60 Ground Defense and 40+ Raid Damage
    KH3 Sora EX: 150% AB3 Max and Lux+ 40+ Raid Damage
    Ventus-Vanitas: 150% AB3 Max and SP1

    Illustrated Sora and Pals: 130% AB2 Max and Lux+ 40% Raid Damage
    Key art #8: 150% AB4 Max and Lux+ +1000 STR
    HD Wisdom Form Sora: 101% AB3 Max and SP1
    Illustrated Vivi: 106% SC2 40+ Raid Damage and -60 Ground Defense

    6* Medals:

    I am looking for offers, if you have any questions such as Avatar boards, etc.
    Contact me on Discord at Jose#9632
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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