full classic set (all these cards will always be in standart mode) 90+ legendaries (all DKs) all adventure owned 150+ epics 40+ gold cards (2 legendary) almost 50 cardback including one for legend 5 golden classes (warlock, warrior, druid, hunter, priest) mage almost done too lyadrin/tyrande/arthas/maiev/morgl/nemsy/khadgar Has all the cards for the majority of # decks Bought empty account in Jan 2014 (ongoing beta) with fake name/lastname and played ever since. So when you change e-mail and password I cant restore access anyway. Reason why I'm selling is because I quit currently. Im the only person who played it for almost 4 years, no bots, etc. So no ban risk. Just PM me offers, I will take whatever is highest in a week or so Current offer i have is $215