Sold Selling Dragon Nest SEA account w/ 70k g and 300 altea boxes.

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by icepada, 11/12/17.

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  1. icepada

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Account Details:
    - Hero lvl 20
    - char combined lvl: 981
    - 3* Lvl 95 characters ( ML, Ripper, Gladiator)
    - 2* Lvl 93 char. ( Elestra, Crusader)
    - stated characters above has their own costume weapons(epic).


    *Moonlord (Lvl 95)*
    - Has Pegasus mount and other mounts.
    - equipped with all white costume(rare) and costume weapons (epic).
    - has +10 weapons
    - has 39% light att equipped with light conversion.

    *Ripper* (Main)
    - Has Lvl 95 achievement box (job change scroll and skill reset).
    - equipped with + 13 weapons(93)
    - has unused 70k+ gold and 300 pcs altea box.
    - equipped with costume weapons (epic)
    - equipped with lower body costume (epic)
    - complete costume accessories
    - with car mount (red)
    - 84% fire att (w/out buffs)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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