Selling WTS 5 years old Lotro Premium Account

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Benitto38, 11/12/17.

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  1. Benitto38

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    WTS LOTRO account with:
    -Server: Arkenstone (6 of 9 character slots used)

    -Premium Account
    - Expension packs: Mines of Moria™ Standard,
    Shadows of Angmar™ Standard,
    Siege of Mirkwood™,
    Shadows of Angmar™,
    Rise of Isengard™,
    Riders of Rohan™,
    Helm's Deep™

    - Quest packs: Evendim, Enedwaith, Misty Mountains, Lothlorien, East Gondor, Central Gondor, Old Anorien
    -3600 Gold, +3 Remembrances, 5 Blemished Symbols and some stat tomes. 2 houses(2 twinfall path and 3 twinfal path in Anthrad Galad), Some housing items(property guard, oven and gondorian study)
    -Free starter pack
    -5 Years old account
    -Premium Wallet
    -Wardrobe(capacity 10)
    -5852 TP
    -50 mithril coins
    - woodwork, scholar and cooker, rank maxed


    lv100 Warden (Ryoma, Samurai costume) - U17 end game Gear
    Virtues maxed, tomes (might 12/agility 12/vital 14/fate 14), Tank build, pvp rank 5

    lv102 Hunter (Jebei)- U17 end game Gear
    Virtues maxed, tomes (agility 12)

    lv95 burglar (Tchaka)- used BoV
    Tomes (agility 9/fate 2)

    lv88 Hunter (Bohemir)
    Tomes (agility 8/fate 8)

    lv88 Guardian (Boehmir)

    Tomes (might 8/vitality 8/fate 1)

    lv44 Captain (Dalamyr)

    Can provide in-game Screenshots
    For more info:
    (App) Line ID: 01028169236
    Mail: [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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