Lost all interest in this game, trying to get what I can for thousands of hours of playtime. Used mostly for WvW, rank 3.7k. Eternity, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Bifrost, Predator, Moot, Quip, and other cool skins like Mjolnir and Greatsaw. 16.5 k ap, 10 characters and around 6 ascended armour sets. 750+ tomes of knowledge and 1500 or so proofs. Acct value is around 50 k. $400. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1510383124/zwrgk7d2xsufpgg3iy51.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1510383129/efhajnsueygmvpuwgcgf.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1510383539/ekngmlo6runzroqimhol.jpg