Sold [US] [H] Xbox 360 Lot, PS3, PS4, Nintendo Switch, N64, Vita, Figures/Amiibo + More [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Nintendo Switch Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Makusuu, 11/11/17.

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  1. /u/Makusuu

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    -Xbox 360

    Halo 3 $6 Halo Reach $5 Kung ** Panda $5 Assassins Creed Revelations $5 Assassins Creed 2 $5 Assassins Creed $5 Mafia 2 $7 Dead Rising 2 $5 Guitar Hero 3 LoR $5 Guitar Hero 2 $5 Guitar Hero World Tour $5 Ghost Recon A Warfighter 2 $5 Ghost Recon A Warfighter $5 Call of Duty 3 Gold Edition $8 Call of Duty 4 MW $4 Call of Duty MW 3 $5 Call of Duty 2 GoTY $7 Forza Motersport 2 $7 Rise of the Tomb Raider Loose $8

    (More you buy the cheaper, especially with the system)

    ** Halo Reach Limited Edition Console w/ Controller and hookups. $100 (# if games are bought with it)


    Ghost Recon 2 $5 Need for Speed Most Wanted $7 Amped Snowboarding $4 Forza Motersport $4 LotR Third Age $4 Ralli Sport Challenge 2 $5 NFL Street $5

    -PS Vita

    Amazing Spiderman CiB $35 Dungeon Travelers 2 NiB w/ calandar $65 Madden 13 loose $15 Neptunia Producing Perfection CiB $23


    Call of Duty Roads to Victory $12 Get Connected Media Manager NiB $8 Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel CiB $12 Tekken 6 $10 Thrillville $7 Tony hawk project 8 $5 X-Men Legends 2 RoA $5


    Batman Arkham Knight NiB $12 Uncharted 4 $12 Unravel Collectors Edition NiB $45


    Call of Duty Advanced Warfare AtlusEd $40 Crysis 3 Hunter Edition Loose $4 Destiny CiB $5 F1 2010 Loose $3 F1 2011 Loose $5 Skyrim Collectors Edition Game CiB $20

    **PS3 System w/ controller and hookups $85


    Ace Combat Zero CiB $15 American Idol CiB $3 Destroy all Humans 2 CiB $7 Dragon Ball Z BT3 w/ bonus disk CiB $90 Drakan: The Ancient Gates CiB $10 Fantastic 4 CiB $5 Gran Turismo 4 Loose $4 Jak 2 loose $4 Jak 3 CiB $6 Jak and Daxter TPL CiB $5 Katamari Damacy $7 Kingdom Hearts 2 CiB $6 Kingdom Hearts CiB $7 Marvel Ultimate Alliance SE CiB $5 Motocross Mania 3 Loose $2 Namco Museum Loose $4 Namco Myseum 50th Anniversary Loose $8 Pac Man World 2 Loose $4 PsychoNauts CiB $13 Ratchet & Clank $6 Ratchet & Clank Up Your A CiB $8 Red Faction CiB $3 Tekken 4 CiB $7 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 $5 Transformers The Game CiB $4 Zatch Bell Mamodo Battles CiB $6


    The Binding of Isaac: AB+ First Print NiB Picture $55


    Crusin USA CiB $30 Goldeneye 007 CiB $30 Starwars Rogue Squadron NiB $50 Turok Dinosaur Hunter Loose $12 Mario Kart 64 Loose $35


    Call of Duty Black Ops 3 $10 Call of Duty MW2 $5 Call of Duty AW Sealed $10 Donkey Kong 64 $7 Gran Turismo 5 $7 LEGO Starwars 2 $4

    -Figures/Amiibo (All Amiibo are NiB)


    Splatoon 3 Pack $20 Palutina $10 Sonic $10 Ness $10 Diddy Kong $15


    Hatsune Miku SPM Infinity $40 Clap Trap Pop NiB $10 Widowmaker Statue Official $230

    # #/Makusuu
    . .
    #1 /u/Makusuu, 11/11/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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