Hi there guys, I'm selling a 374k multiclass archer: 374k multiclass archer: Shooter Testament XL bow(2), Fatal Testament XXL bow(2). Fatal Psalm XL Sword, Defender Testament XL Sword (4), Fatal Psalm XL Lance, Fatal Testament XL Lance, Enforcer Testament XL Lance(2), Prophet Testament XL Staff (2), Arbiter Testament XL Book (2), Healing Testament XXL (2), Physical Damage Down XXL (2) , Reflection XL (2), Null Magic Damage Down, Physical Reflection XL (2), Magic Reflection XL Monsters: Lacrosse Vivi, Sakura Miku, Gilgamesh, Kawaii Kouhai, Asuka (both), Simone, Lancer, Saber, Sea Empress, Oberon, Eva Pilot, Eva-01 Car, Emilia, nez, indra, aizen, KFC, Kirin, Hel, Venus, Artemis, Nobu, Moca. Goes up to 114/114 attack and is at level 155. For more information, feel free to message me on LINE: punkinking as I am there most often and easiest to reach. I am more than happy to show screenshots and provide further information. Price: 374k Archer: $450 Payment Method: Paypal Willing to negotiate, but will not lower price by much more. We've already lowered our original prices greatly. Additional Note: 364k Archer has been sold. Thank you!