Selling Selling Multiple accounts with total of 100k Gs, 75% off retail

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by g3rcyz, 11/9/17.

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  1. g3rcyz

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    I'm looking to sell account with loaded Gs, ranging from 1k to 28.75k Gs. All gotten from farming coupons, paid for 100% legit. All for a 75% #. So for example 28.75k Gs, which would normally cost $200, I'm selling for $50.

    I can provide proof by way of screenshots

    I'll provide the email and password and you can change it to whatever you want and gift stuff to your main account

    Payment methods accepted: Paypal (friends and family), others #. We can use a middle man and split fees if you don't trust me

    Either PM me for more details, or add me skype: [email protected]
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