I'm selling all 3 in a bundle unless I get a good enough offer for a specific one. Server: NA, Email: [email protected] (Real email, fun name). I prefer paypal. Not looking to scam, just trying to sell all my old accounts. Asking price for all three is $185, #. Email me or leave a reply if you need more info or want pics of any of the accounts. * Account 1: WOTB: In Garage: STB-1 (W/Adamant) * Type-59 * FCM50T (W/ Titi & Zizou) * IS-6 Fearless ISU-152 * Type-62 (W/ Dragon Camo) * Su-122-44 * Su100y Cromwell B * Su-85i Valentine II PzS35 BT-SV D2 Pz2j D1 BT-7 Arty Tetarch FT-17 * *Tank has one of the limited time gold camos Account Comes With: ~100 days of premium -675 gold -Various Boosters and Certificates Account Statistics: Win Rate: 66% Battle Count: ~5,400 Average Damage: 1,500+ WN8: ~3000 WOWS: In Port: Graf Spee (w/ Special Camo) Blyskawica (W/ Special Camo) Schors Emerald Dougy Nurnberg Konig 300 Doubloons Assorted Special Event flags & Signal Flags Account 2: WoWS: Emile Bertin Duca Acousta Diana Texas Campbeltown Budyonny Account 3: WoTB: Researched: Full IS-4 line IS-3 and below t-54 andbelow ISU and below Various premiums sold but redeemable through support ticket. In garage: Ke-ni Otsu & Chi-Nu-Kai (Prem t5 jap) *I just saw this Middleman thing, and it looks nice, so I may want to go through that instead so it's a clean transaction for everyone.