wts wudang 2nd inner 32, 3rd inner 11 black tortoise

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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    wts wudang in black tortoise server, vip till early july, 2nd inner is at 32, 3rd inner is 11, geared towards breeze sword. have full devil chain heart fist set. will sell for 50usd or trade for 5 ding unbound silver in black tortoise server. pm me if interested.

    bump...will also trade expert of self shaolin and this wudang for wv, scholar or tangmen in any server. or my guild wars 2 account (3 lvl 80, main human guardian with t3 cultural!) for a decent geared max lvl scholar, wv, beggar, rg or tangmen.
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