WTS the following, Server: Bluedragon School: Tangmen Inner Level: 3rd Inner Max Lv 36, Infallable Marial Arts Master Gear: Decently Geared Skill: Golden Snake Sting Set Hidden Dragon, Swallow Whale LV 7 Flick One Tongue Lv 6 Following Madness Lv 5 Vertigo Dart Set Flying Flower, Chasing One Soul, Infatuated LV 7 Meteor Chases The Moon, Summoning Spirit Lv 5 Reputation: 2M++ Lifeskill: Legendary PoisonMaker, Grandmaster Woodcutter, Hunter, Fisherman, Miner, Master Calligrapher. Current Unbound Currency: 15 Ding Interested drop me a message or add me skype s3rr411. 5 ding left. Offer USD 95, don't need the ding, if selling with ding I add USD 40 the ding how much do you want it for?