Selling  Multi Char Gw - Gw2 - HoT

Discussion in 'Guild Wars Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cydiachristie, 11/8/17.

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  1. Cydiachristie

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    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Contact: Kik:Christieallison122

    • WesterUnion and Money Gram only

    • MiddleMan first

    Include Gw & Gw2 account:

    Guild Wars Account
    Female Char
    Ellementalis/Monk Lvl 20/20

    Prophecies ( include bonus items )
    Eye of the North

    159 platinum

    Armor lvl 60

    Another upgrades:
    Guildwars 2008 upgrade
    Core Skill unlock
    PvP Access kit
    4 Additional character Slots

    Guild Wars 2 HoT Account
    Digital Deluxe Upgrade
    9 characters lvl 80
    1 character lvl 53
    400 Gems

    Ascended Zerker and Soldier Armor

    - 1x Incinerator (Legendary Dagger)
    - 1x Bifrost (Legendary Staff)
    - 1x Meteorlogicus (Legendary Scepter)
    - 1x Kraitkin (Legendary Trident)
    - 1x Howler (Legendary Warhorn)
    - 1x The Minstrel (Legendary Focus)
    - 1x The Ascension ( LEgendary Back)

    30065 Achieve Points
    155 Agony Resistance
    145 Transmutation Charges
    5484 Spirit Shards
    233 Laurels
    1.1mill Karma
    Lvl 86 Fractal
    LvL 893 WvsW
    Lvl 76 PvP - Phoenix
    Magic Find Maxed
    Commander Tag

    231 of 399

    411 of 512

    Ghostly Infusion
    Winters Presence Shoulders
    Kaiser Snake Greatsword
    Kaiser Snake Sword Skin
    Kaiser Snake Staff Skin
    1 Black Lion claim ticket
    9 Black Lion Scrap
    Bloodstone visage

    - Executioner
    - Noble count
    - Witch
    - Royal Guard
    - Ancestral
    - Bandit Sniper
    - Crystal Savant
    - Raiment of the Linch
    - Mad Kings
    - Balthazar Regalia
    - Bloody Prince
    - Hexed

    - Electromagnetic Descender
    - Wings of Love Glider
    - Macaw Wings
    - Soul River
    - Hot
    - Basic

    Home Instance :
    - Sprocket Generator
    - King-Sized Raw Candy Corn
    - Quartz Crystal Formation
    - Crystallized supply Cache
    - Exalted Chest
    - Airship Cargo
    - Basic Cloth Rack
    - Basic Harvesting Node Pack
    - Basic Lumber Node Pack
    - Basic Ore Node Pack
    - Wintersday Tree of Generosity
    - Found Bandit Chest
    - Enchanted Treasure Chest
    - Aurilium Node

    Gathering Tools:
    - Consortium Harvesting Sickle
    - Chop-It-All Logging Axe
    - Molten Alliance Minning Pick

    Guild bank:
    Guild Stash 50 Slots
    Treasure Trove 100 Slots.

    Rare Items - Account Bound (Gem Store)
    - Storage Expander till 1000
    - 1x Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic
    - 1x Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Mat
    - Flameseeker Skins
    - White Feather Wings
    - Macaw Wings Backpack
    - Glowing Crimson Mask
    - Devils Horn
    - Chaos Gloves Skin
    - Inventor Sunglasses
    - Aviator Cap
    - Celebration Hat
    - Zodiac Skins
    - Royal Terrace Pass
    - Mystic Forge Conduit
    - Bloody Princes Staff Toy
    - Executioner Axe Toy
    - Enchanted Broom
    - Hot Air Balloon
    - Box of Chocolates
    - Scepter of Thorn
    - Sonic Tunneling Tool
    - Worls 1 super Boom box
    - Bloodstone visage

    - Revenant
    - Martial
    - Guild Shield
    - Sanctified
    - Birthday
    - Rabbit to Phoenix
    - Mordrem Rabbit to Mordrem Dolyak
    - 50 Snow Globe
    - 49 Gift
    - 73 Snowman
    - 913 Mad King
    - 899 Scarecrow
    - 20 Cow

    Crafted Toys:
    - Plush Griffon Tonic
    - Toy Golem tonic
    - Toy Ventari tonic
    - Toy Soldier Tonic
    - Princess Doll Tonic
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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