Red Phoenix Emei level 30 second inner

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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    I am willing to sell it or trade it for either tera or legaue of legend account(either server is fine)

    The account has level 30 first inner

    level 36 first inner

    level 1 third inner

    half of the emei school skills are level 1 and others are from level 3 to 5

    there are no other skill sets

    it have 270l

    Has iron/copper/silver gear

    a lot of stuff which i did not sell

    All of the skills have a ton of surplus( most of them are 18000 with some over 40000). The main ones are Mining Artisan, Tailoring expert and music expert)

    For flying skills it has:Whirlwind step, skyward feint step, jump across the cloud,wild goose and step on high ladder.

    i am switching on to another game atm, so i am just looking to get rid of this account. This is a great start up account and if you are interest add me on skype: mark.jin123

    Do you have ding for sale, I have interests on dings

    My Skype:





    Just be warned the Age of Wushu acct reset to the original email and the password was all chained mysteriously when Dart and I traded accounts. He was quick to provide me with the new password and get it back up again. Just a warning tho because it should NOT have happened.
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