best way to dispute freind and family payment

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by bookz, 11/8/17.

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  1. bookz

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    Okay I sent a payment from paypal A to my other paypal B by friends and family,

    Paypal B got limited, and they wont budge on giving refund back to paypal A , cause paypal B is an australian pp and they dont refund when limited

    Paypal A sent it as F&F, so I cant dispute it ,

    whats my best chocie here to get the money back

    Should I log into a diffeent IP, change PW, and report unauthrozied

    or should I call Paypal and tell them that seller (paypal B) never sent the item and told me to send as F&F and all that and get paypal to open the dispute?
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