Hey im looking to sell or trade my top level scholar on white lotus server age of wulin. Inners: Scholar 1:30 Scholar 2:36 Scholar 3:36 shaolin (not sure what inner) is at 9 have a few others but not had a chance to level them skills: scholar single sword: all at level 5-6 Scholar kicks: mostly level 7 a few still at level 6 Scholar double sword mostly 1 except for the rage at level 5 Bv twin sabres full set level 4 Tang dagger set with whale full set at level 4 moxin full set except rage emie twin spikes full set level 3-4 shop skill lightning staff: all level 3 (maximum at the moment until another patch) some more skill sets that are not complete yet. professions: Tailor level 9 (max level) miner level 9 hunter almost level 9 music almost level 9 divinator level 3 Gear: has mostly gold gear and silver has allot of shop outfits which are unlimited has 7 different weapons all different stats for different skill sets will provid screenshots as proof WTT for a high level tang Or looking to sell Pm me offers and/or skype details so we can speak on there. thank you Also has Black and white undertaker outfit and a top scenery record of Hook swords (twin sabres) Would also be willing to trade for a BV of similar stats thank you comment Bump - - - Updated - - - Would also trade for allot of in-game Dings as I do still play just bored of my scholar. bump bump bump