Sold Selling NA/Global acct w/ 2 Kairi [EX]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by monkeyraven, 11/7/17.

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  1. monkeyraven

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    Applying for medical school so don't really need this distraction from my life, and need the money to fund my application process.

    Days played (as of 11/07/17): 69
    Best medals I have:
    Kairi EX w/ second chance II
    Kairi EX
    Illustrated Donald B (guilted 140%) w/ AB5
    Final Boss Xion w/ ATKBIV Max & GA2
    KH 0.2 Terra (guilted max) w/ ATKBIV Max & GA2
    Illustrated Pride Lands Sora (guilted max) w/ DBIV
    HD Xion w/ DBIV


    HD Namine (guilted max) w/ ATK III Max & Lux +
    HD Namine
    Lingering Will (guilted 107%) w/ ABIV
    KH 0.2 Kairi

    Pictures and link included here: (same as link above)

    Weapon stats:
    Starlight +33
    Treasure Trove - Moogle O' Glory +25
    Sleeping Lion +24
    Counterpoint +3

    3550 jewels as of 11/07/17

    I have played up to proud quest 104

    With 2 Kairi's, guilted lingering will, illustrated donald b, and 0.2 terra, you can get very far in coli as well.

    My price is $600 (roughly 2/3 of my medical school application, open for negotiations, but please be serious and don't waste my time)

    If interested in purchase or negotiations pm me here or my discord (MonkeyBear#5746)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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