Selling Heroes of Newerth account (lev 60) Rich inventory of unique content.

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Uroboros, 11/7/17.

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  1. Uroboros

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    Selling 5 year of active playing HON account. I do this cause I`m bored with game and my skills surely aren`t getting better.

    As a lucky buyer you will be rewarded with:

    - 18 ward skins
    - 2 limited edition name colors (anniversary glowing pink/glowing water blue)
    - 5 taunts (including limited anniversary and war effort)
    - 2 announcers (including war effort)
    - 9 courtiers (including events and war effort)
    - 250 icons
    - 150 account symbols

    And mostly huge choice of avatars:

    - 18 war effort avatars (all)
    - 16 EA/gold avatars
    - 40 limited edition avatars
    - 170 other avatars

    Fully upgraded Opal Riftwalker.

    Selection of avatars is rich so you have alternative skins (mostly limited edition one) for almost every hero in game.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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