Sold [Info] Warframe - Rapid Twitch drops

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by skillkill, 11/6/17.

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  1. skillkill

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    If you aren't aware, there are many twitch streamers doing achievement runs and exploiting the drop system right now to get rapid drops for viewers.
    If you haven't already, might as well open one or two of the more prominent Warframe twitch streamers with DROPS in their descriptions.
    Setting video quality to 160p to minimise internet usage, and audio to 1% volume to keep the stream live.
    You can get free cosmetics that normally cost money like "Smoke colours", "Prominence syandana", "Prominence wisp totem", "Display glyph" and some other things like "Nitain extract" or "Formas".
    I think this will only last 1 or 2 more days.

    *Edit*: 73 drops in the past hour or so
    Currently lurking on itsDunmire and RandomSurge on twitch
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