Selling  iOS Idle heroes IOS VIP7 400K power S88

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by brayanuno, 11/3/17.

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  1. brayanuno

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    This account is one of the top of the server, competitive server , INCLUDE
    Monthly card active for 25 days
    10* queen
    9* aidan
    8* iceblink ( but waiting miracle event to 10* with 2 copies more and one more in the altar)
    8* bb
    8* walter
    8* ormus
    8* faceless ( this is the fodder for ib )
    , other heroes for fodder , almost out of space
    spent approx 1500$
    The current guild is the top 1 of the server and top 2 of 10 servers
    casino chips and arena and summon are include .
    1 orange artifact and serveral red artifacts
    -- Im selling this account because i need money immediately , we can negotiate the price but , hurry .
    i will send you pictures of the account just let me know .
    Finally price 700$ ( half of the invested ) ( price # )
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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