Selling Selling Selling End Game account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dmena, 9/6/17.

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  1. Dmena

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    I am interested in selling my almost day 1 account because I don't have the time to play anymore. I have multiple OSB's, USB's and about 20 BSB and a large amount of SSB and regular SB.
    Some highlights include Orlandeau OSB, Yshtola BSB, Vanille BSB, Cid Raines BSB, Terra OSB BSB and SB, both Cloud BSB, Sephiroth BSB, and many many more. You will be able to clear most of not all the end game content and as well I have pretty much every 5 star ability and a healthy supply of all types of orbs. I have spent roughly 900-1000$ over the course of time so I'm looking to make at least some of that back.
    If you would like more details on the account or have a serious offer please message me and I will give you any other info you're interested in.
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  2. darkcrab

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    Hello, I am curious about your account, if you have discord etc to make chatting easier im all game.
    Hello, if you have some time id like to discuss your ffrk account. If you have discord/an easier way to chat than Im game. Please reply when you have time.

    Though for starters, some screenshots would be nice.
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  3. darkcrab

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    Hello I am interested in your account, do you have discord etc tyo make chatting easier?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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