101 Archer Demon . Demon BoA , Quickshot and few more others skills Bow is +10 rest of armor +8+9 on same acc 103 Sin 5 aps with g16 daggs with x2 int +10 .; bump bump Would you happen to still be selling? xD bump bump bump archer is 2nd reborn and 100. first was 102/101 and now 100 arcane sky lvl 10 mirage lvl 6 bump bump bump bump bump bump still for sale : 102/101/100 Archer Demon . 2nd rb Demon BoA , Quickshot skills Bow is +10 rest of armor +8+9 Mirage lvl 10. defense buff lvl 7 crit and skill lvl 5 on same acc 103 Sin 5 aps with g16 daggs with x2 int +10 . 1rb on sin he is 80 or 90 forgot