Level 77 Gems: 352,250 Mine Ores: 340,365 (more than enough to get TWO Vile Songstress, both with level 4+ skill). Glory Points: 450,000 (in cards) 5* heroes: Taskmistress, Hydra, Odin Common 5* cards: Mortii - Killer Queen, Spirit Siren x4, Phantom Liege x3, Undying Will x2, Lilith, Magmus,Terror Dragon, Gorgon Neander - Anathema, Venom Tyrant x3, Spider Queen x2, Faen - Mimirs Tree x3, Ash Beast, Hanuman Human - Paragon, Ares, Titania, Less common 5* cards : Aquaris, Virgox2, Santa Claudia, Pisces, Blossoms, Lady Liberty, Revenant, Bewitcher, Flare Summoner Useful 4* cards: Recycle1 HB x4, Disposal Royal Dragon, Disposal Harbinger, FA5 Oracle x5, unmeld Queen Tempest x2, unmeld 5* Runes: Sacrifice, Level4 Vitality x2, Level5 Vitality x2 Equipment: Level5 Purple Boots, Level 5 Purple Belt, Level 5 Materials: Jawbone, Talon, Leaf, Grass x2, Gnarl x3, Steel x8, Feather x3, Extract, Sawtooth x2, Fur x3, Crystal, Stardust Sparks x16 Looking for US$200 or any reasonable offers. Thank you. Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service
I have stopped playing for a while now due to work. The highest tournament rank reached was 6000+. Attaching some of the main 5* cards
Yes I do. LineID: zer0l1ght (It is basically zero light, but with the "o" replaced with the number 0, and the "I" replaced by 1)