Selling Super Stuffed account all Loyalty ((255 Enf, 255 Crim) (Citadel)

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OneBoredPlayer, 11/3/17.

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  1. OneBoredPlayer

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    Hello, got super bored of the game so i'm stopping and selling all the content and efforts to make this killer account.

    Both characters are lvl 255

    ALL Weapons are account bound.

    27k+ kills in both char

    Primary :

    Vbr Temptress (discontinued)
    Pdw Stilleto
    AMG Euryale
    Joker C9 Wasp
    Vas Sword NFCP3
    Oca Whisper
    Cap 40 NFCP 2 (discontinued)
    JG 940
    Carbine 1 Slot (Enfo)
    Obir Vladivostok
    PSR 3 Slot
    Stac 10 Scope
    CBMP Bolt
    ALIG R&D 3
    Oscar NFCP3
    S-247 Oblivion
    H-9 Curse
    SG-21 Strife
    AR-97 Miseryy
    N-ISSR-B Dog-Ear
    S1-NA Manice
    S1-TIC Rabid
    S1-FA Frenzy
    3 x FFA 5.56 R&D 3 Around 30M

    Secondary :
    Colby .45 AP
    OCA Nano Conoisseur Around 3M
    Act 44 PR1
    Yukon Around 7
    UL-3 Bloody Mary Around 2.5M
    UL-3 Jersey Devil
    RFP9 Fang
    R-2 Harbringer

    70 LVL 3 Mod for around 5.2M

    Vehicles :


    Vegas 4x4 4 Slot
    Seyo Espacio 4 Slot
    Mikro 0 slot
    Growl S4
    Seyo Mammoth 4 Slot


    Growl S2
    Jericho 4 Slot
    Seyo Citadel/Big Horn
    Birth Racing 4x4 and Gummball 4x4 (18 Month)
    Pacquer Vacquero 2 Slot
    Dolton Fresno 4 Slot

    19 Lvl 3 and 195 car mods around 1.5M

    Skins :

    Casino (enf)
    Otomo Neko (Account)
    Juggernaut and Revelations Skins

    Some other cars.

    Quite a lot of clothes with Juggernaut, Revelation and Paramillitary pack.

    All Level 4 Equipment to do objective faster.

    Around 2.6M in-game credit total.

    30 prenium days atm + 105 days in redeem codes.

    A 3rd slot if you want to start a new life on Jericho or Nekrova.

    Account fully legit off course, friend list will be cleared.

    I can provide teamviewer visit to show the content but wiill never let people visit the account by giving credentials.

    370€ asked, not open to negociation based on the content of the accouny and i won't go first so look for a trusted middlemen

    You can ask me about here, it's a main account and keep in mind first or MM before asking anything.
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