Selling   1-24 Hours Lords Mobile Pack Loader: $100 packs for as little as $65

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by PackMaan, 11/2/17.

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  1. PackMaan

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    Hey guys,

    This is a service for obtaining cheaper in-game item packs for games like Lords Mobile, Game of War, Mobile Strike, Clash of Kings, Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, Castle Clash and probably others. If there's a game I haven't included just ask and I'll let you know whether that's supported or not.

    Our typical rates are as follows:

    $100 in-game for $70 or less! (30% cheaper)
    $500 in-game for $325 or less! (35% cheaper)
    It is possible for us to offer smaller amounts, but the profit margin just isn't worth the time taken. For this reason, we might consider offering smaller amounts of $50 to reputable members of the forum who want to test the service just to build up our reputation here and prove ourselves. We would prefer not to have to do this though. This service is aimed at medium to big spenders.

    Our rates change depending on the market, and we can definitely offer cheaper rates special offers when they are available to us for regular clients.

    We have been playing Lords Mobile since almost the beginning of the game, and we plan to also sell in-game resources and expert advice if required. Contact us for more information.

    How the transfer will take place:
    • You will contact us either on LINE Messenger or via this forum stating the names and/or providing screenshots of the packages you want including the game and the official price. We can obviously only buy packs that are currently available and showing for your account
    • We will tell you how much to send via your requested method for your requested packages.
    • You will provide your login info for the game, as we have to login to your account to buy the packs. Feel free to temporarily change your password, and change it back when we are done. We will be communicating with you and will let you know when we need to log in, if you get disconnected from your game that's because we've logged in (we will make sure it's ok with you first). DO NOT try and log back in until we state it is safe to do so, as you could interrupt the process.
    • All done, go burn some bases!
    If for whatever reason we cannot purchase for your specific game, or if we have issues with the country we will absolutely refund you completely. We haven't had an issue yet though with our few guild-mates we do this for.

    The process from start to finish should take no longer than 2 hours (or 30 minutes if you pay with Bitcoin). Please allow 24-hours from when you send your first message until the end (could be afk or whatever).

    We accept Bitcoin and Paypal. If you pay with Paypal you must have a verified Paypal account (we will check), and preferably have traded before on this forum. We may refuse to sell to anyone we feel like if they are paying via Paypal.

    Invoice template for Paypal:
    Customers Game: Lords Mobile
    Customers in-game Name, Kingdom and Co-ordinates: X

    Customers Profile link: X

    Terms and Conditions

    This transaction in no way can be reversed or returned.

    This is for virtual goods that cannot be returned. This virtual good under PayPal is classified as an Intangible item. By paying the invoice you agree to the fact you will not receive a tangible item.

    You agree to the understanding that no shipping information will be sent due to it being digital, and that you’ll receive the virtual goods in-game.

    If you pay via Bitcoin, you will be offered cheaper rates and it will be much faster to process your order.

    To contact us please add the LINE ID: 77795559777 or send us a message here.

    Thanks for reading.
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  2. PlayerUp

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