Hey guys, I sm selling my L205 Android account for $500 USD. Base -short base 2 islands 20mm boosted -63 days elite account -21mm medals -15.8k eggs -855 rubies -14 mystic frags -115 days in speed ups. Dragons -75mm (boosted) - top 3 are Nightshade, Kinnarus, Tarand -over 1400 health pots, 1500 health boosts, 1500 attack boosts Kinnarus has Onsidian stone. ( currently sapphire ) Tarand has Garnet stone ( also Sapphire ) Drakius and Abraxxis both have Emerald stones ( both currently platinum ) I have bred 2 Sapphire dragons ( Sekham and Anapna ) Scorchill is 375 / 500 Then you can breed Iteru and Hauhset. Around 4k USD spent on it.
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Hi Please can you post some pictures with a base and dragons? Besides if I right remember the most powerful stone for Kinnarius was the Emerald. What kind of biggest stone do you have for it? Thanks for your answer.