Selling Selling Usa server level 69 top 10 bp 22k top 2 group leader send me an offer

Discussion in 'Naruto Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yukina57837, 10/31/17.

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  1. Yukina57837

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    I am in the top 10 in battle power/in the top 10 in almost every category/top 3 in some with several titles.

    Contains 3 event only ninja: 2* Iruka, 2* Kushina, 3* Sailor Sakura
    One Yellow Summon: Giant Katsuya
    Classes Unlocked: Lightning/Wind/Water

    Items: Character Rename Card

    Battle power max: 22.5k
    Usual Battle Power: 21.5k-22k

    Coupons will hover 350-500 by Wednesday.

    Highest Arena Rank: 6 Paths Sannin
    Highest Ranked Battle Rank: 2nd Place

    Leader of second largest group on server (Most in activity usually)

    Battle Armour Rank: Level 15/Thread Rank: 3

    Roshi Jinchuuriki treasure now has 80 seal scrolls used in it

    Feel free to send me a PM about the account or an offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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