Destiny beta codes for sale for ps4!!! Beta starts today 7/17/2014

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Facebook, 8/5/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hi ladies and gentlemen,

    I have two extra U.S. ONLY, PS4 ONLY Destiny beta codes for sale today when my code gets emailed to me. Bungie confirmed that along with each person's beta code they receive, they will have two extra beta codes they can use to invite other individuals so that is what you will be purchasing from me. I will sign onto skype today around 11am-12pm eastern time, as the beta starts at 1pm eastern time. I don't know if Bungie will start emailing the codes before 1pm but I will bump my post when I receive my beta code and answer people on skype if they're trying to contact me.

    My asking price for the each code as of now is $25,*BUT*, depending on the amount of people that want to purchase these codes, the price could go up. The payment for the code will be done through Paypal only and sent to me as a gift. The payment will be sent to me before I give you the code.

    Don't get bummed out if you didn't get a chance to preorder Destiny at select retailers to get a beta code, as this is your chance to pay a ridiculous amount of money to play the beta but I guarantee you it will be worth it

    If you're interested in buying a code please add me as a contact on Skype and I will reply to each person when I come online around 11am-12pm Eastern Standard Time.

    Skype name is Gatmanmist

    Thanks for reading and good luck!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also just got ps3 beta codes!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Beta codes are now available for both consoles! Contact me on Skype!

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