● selling king's raid account ( lvl56 NA server ) ● quit gaming completely due to real life call ● spent around 400$ on kings raid ,selling for 350$, my lost is your gain Account Highlight ● 1 t5 [ Frey ] ● 2 t4 [ Arch & Luna ] ● 1 t3 [ Aisha ] ● 2 t2 [ Dimael, Rodina ] ● 8 t1 [ Anette, Morrah, Phillop, Maria, Clause, Baudouin, Gau, Naila ] ● 5☆ [ Epis ] ● 3☆ [ Kasel, Cleo, Roi, Proscilla ] ● 2☆ [ Kaulah, Demia ] current gold : 117,077,063 current ruby : 9624 ⁂ 2 UW selector ⁂ 13 stone of infinity ⁂ 5x10 special summon worth 12,500ruby ⁂ 54672 Magic powder ⌘ can solo bd 70 but time consuming ⌘ can reach challenger but im too lazy for it, I always stop at master tier for more info go here ➽ Account is linked to Facebook. login AND gmail account, but i cant provide you the gmail account coz i used it for my work mail too, but trust me, since im verified and has done a transaction before, i wont scam you ➽ you can contact me here if you're interested Whatsapp : +601126930513 Facebook. : fb.com/xero.oro ** paypal only
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: mikeBBQ Re: #1[/trigger]
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current UW holder : Maria, Arch 2* UW , Luna, Frey, Phillop, Baudouin, Aisha, Rodina unused UW : Nyx ( but hes already in inn, will get him in few days ) hero with costume : Dimael(school) , Luna (beach), Jane(school), Rodina(school maybe), Frey (Halloween) what my current lineup lack is P.DPS hero, since new WB require p.dps, magic team is weak against him, I have 2,500+ deluxe pot, that will help you insta-lvl80 any hero u recruit + UW selector
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