Selling Buying Hiring Live Chat Support/ Instant withdrawal / dedicated page

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by copyandpasta, 10/28/17.

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  1. copyandpasta

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    Hello, is about to start business.
    We are hiring boosters so that we can guarantee our costumers satisfaction and quick orders.
    We are hiring EU/RU/NA boosters, you must be at least top500.

    Figures that we're looking for :
    1. Booster
    2. Coach
    3. Leveller
    4. Support

    Requirements for Live Chat supports :

    1. You must be online 8 hours a day
    2. You must be a native speaker
    3. You must have had some experience as support
    4. You must be at least 20+ years old.

    Send me a custom application via email : [email protected]
    If you want to apply as booster scroll to the bottom, you must follow the format i've pasted below, only Support applications aren't reqired to follow the format.

    Requirements for boosters:

    1. Being top 500
    2. Playing at least 4h a day
    3. You must be capable of boosting up to 4400
    4. You must be responsive
    5. You must be responsabile
    6. You must be 18+

    Requirements for coach:

    1. You must be 18+
    2. You must be a native speaker
    3. You must be at least 4k+

    Requiements for leveller :

    1. You must be 18+
    2. You must be a native speaker
    3. You must play at least 8hours a day
    4. No rank requirement

    Features :

    1. dashboard in which you can see your earnings
    2. dashboard in which you can see open orders
    3. dashboard in which you can see your order
    4. instant payment (withdrawal system automated)
    5. You get paid 60% of the order total

    Send applications to : [email protected]
    Title :
    I'd like to apply as ... (booster/coach/leveller)
    Body :
    Hello, i am ....
    I'd like to apply as a .... (booster/coach/leveller)
    My rank is ... , my highest this season was ... , in the past seasons i was...
    I'd like to apply because ... , i usually play ... hours a day.
    My skype is ....
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