Sold Selling Selling pld il 317 SB complete Deltascape v1 savage complete pics inside 45e

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gunbladefinal, 10/28/17.

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  1. gunbladefinal

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    Selling pld il 317 SB complete Deltascape v1 savage complete pics inside 45e


    It includes all the expansions, ARR, HW and SB with the main story complete till date

    lots of things complete, all coils, extremes, etc... and got lots of jobs at 50-57 and armorer at 63
    PLD 70 ilevel 317, it has omega head il 320 bought from new pieces from deltascape, and all lakshmi items for pld and susano sword and shield il 320 all

    Have waist 340 from deltascape savage v1

    deltaspace salvage v1 complete, susano EX and lakshmi EX completed both

    lots of mounts and minions

    lots of glamour items, wolf marks, poetics, centurion, verity and gear

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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