Hello Sir, I would like to sell my midgame Account, The main story is on chapter V the 1st Warrior, exploration 2 is in the mid way 3 ST left, other exploration is untouch, vortex stage 15, 1st anniv map all clear (have muramasa X),lightning map all clear (have blazefire saber X). In this Acc contain 5 Legend Job and 3 normal job which is: -Soldier 1st Class *8 -Heretic Knight *8 -Ace Striker *8 -Judge Magister *8 -Mystic Knight *8 Normal Job: -Pugilist *8 -Monk -Bard *8 Show Content and here's the noteable Ability Deck with some limited time card -Ubreakable Bonds FFVX *5 (max Overboost) -Odin FFXIV *4 -Ashe FFXII *5 -Fang FFXIII *5 -Vanille FFXIII *5 -Serah FFXIII *4 -Sazh FF XIII *4 -Penelo FF XII *4 Show Content Show Content Price: $110 Payment Method: -Paypal Send payment as a Gift if u cant add 10 % for the tax Contact me @ Whatsapp Messenger :+6285721238726 or PM me here