Pictures below. 27 warframes (14 prime, 24 strong builds) 37 primaries (18 prime / event, 15 strong builds) 20 secondaries (5 prime / event, 8 strong builds) 30 melee (6 prime / event, 9 strong builds) Interesting mods & items 5x Maiming Strike 2x Argon Scope 5x Ember Prime (sets) 4x Frost Prime (sets) 1x Nova Prime (set) ... and more prime sets & parts (latron, glaive, sicarus etc.) 228k mod rating Warframes Spoiler Weapons Spoiler Riven mods Only showing my most interesting ones. Spoiler Primed mods Spoiler Cosmetics Exclusive skins & items for weapons, warframes, sentinels and pets. A lot of ki'teer exclusive skins and event only attachments, like halloween pumpkin, winter candy stick skin etc. Pets & sentinels Spoiler 1x maiming strike = 1k plat 1x ember prime = ~500 plat 7,500+ plat just for the ember sets & maiming strikes.
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update: Prisma, prime & other event syandana's & attachments. Lots of sigils / regalia, also: + Ember Magesty skin (tennogen) + Frost Emperor (tennogen) + Repala Syandana (tennogen) + Arcane grace x2 & some lesser arcanes
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Send offers through PM. Price is #. Spoiler: Update: + Latron Wraith + Snipetron Vandal Pallete's: Halloween (event) Easter (event) Shamrock (event) Valentine (event) Ki'teer (event) Twilight Classic saturated Smoke colors With these palletes you pretty much got every color in the game. Some attachments examples: ( cosmetics ) Eos Prime (chest, shoulders, legs. full set) Solstice Daedalus (full set) Prisma Daedalus (shoulders, because I got solstice, which is nicer imo) Riv Elite (full set) Prisma Naberus (shoulders, retracts when aiming) Harkonar Wraith (full set + syandana) Ki'teer leg plates (legs) Kyroptera Ormolu (syandana + weapon skins + normal version of syandana) Ki'teer solstice syandana Solstice vanquished banner (syandana) Visatapa Prime (syandana) Dex Nouchali (syandana + all dex anniversary weapons) ... and more normal / common cosmetics
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Another update: Spoiler Got x12 Axi E1 (radiant), which is worth about 200-500 plat each. (contains ember prime bp, the rarest part for the set) source: Furthermore, about 670 relics ready on standby: ~130 Axi relics ~270 Neo relics ~100 Meso relics ~170 Lith relics
Another update: Spoiler Got x12 Axi E1 (radiant), which is worth about 200-500 plat each. (contains ember prime bp, the rarest part for the set) source: Furthermore, about 670 relics ready on standby: ~130 Axi relics ~270 Neo relics ~100 Meso relics ~170 Lith relics
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update: + harrow + lots of new weapons, event & others + new formas on weapons + new rivens + mod rating at about 275k now + nekros deluxe skin (collection) + mag deluxe skin + excalibur gold skin (from a pack, forgot the name) + helios prime
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