Features: - No hacks or injections - Tier 20 Arena every week - 99 Orbs remaining - All limited heroes other than Summer Frederick obtained - Most are fully SI'd and if not, have been ready to be SI'd (ie. 3000 SP available) - Most heroes are merged with several important ones at +10 - Some heroes have multiple skills inherited but I'm too lazy to take a screenshot (ex. B!Lyn also has Brave Bow+, Life and Death 3, Tana has her Firesweep L+ build, S!Camilla has her Gronblade+ build etc) - All seals obtained (Distant Defense 3 max upgraded) - Refer to the pictures to see all the SI - PM me an offer if interested IVs and Merge levels: Reinhardt+9: +Atk/-Spd Eldigan+2: +Spd/-Res Titania+3: +Atk/-Res Lyn: +Atk/-Def Karel: +Def/-Res Eirika+3: +Spd/-Res Ike+4: +Atk/-Def Lucina+2: +Def/-Res Ryoma: +Hp/-Atk Caeda+1: +Atk/-Hp Palla+1: +Atk/-Res Tiki+4 (Young): +Spd/-Res Sanaki+2: +Res/-Def Ephraim: +Def/-Hp Azura: +Hp/-Spd Charlotte+1 (Bride): +Hp/-Res Hinoka+1: +Atk/-Def Linde: +Atk/-Spd Olwen+1: +Atk/-Def Hector+3: +Atk/-Res Lucina (Spring): +Def/-Res Cherche: +Atk/-Res Julia+4: +Spd/-Def Camilla+2 (Spring): +Spd/-Atk Cordelia+1 (Bride): +Spd/-Hp Takumi: Neutral Sakura+2: +Res/-Hp Elise+1: +Atk/-Def Gaius (Summer): +Atk/-Hp Ninian: +Res/-Atk Alm: +Spd/-Res Lyn+5 (Bride): +Spd/-Res Priscilla+1: +Atk/-Def Mist: +Hp/-Atk Clair+1: +Res/-Def Corrin+10 (Summer): +Spd/-Def Elise+2 (Summer): +Spd/-Atk Lilina: +Atk/-Hp Celica+1: +Spd/-Res Innes: +Def/-Hp Amelia: +Atk/-Res Tana+4: +Spd/-Res Sonya: +Spd/-Atk Delthea+2: +Res/-Def Ike+2 (Brave): +Atk/-Spd Lyn+10 (Brave): +Spd/-Hp Roy+1 (Brave): +Spd/-Res Lucina+1 (Brave): +Atk/-Def Jeorge: +Hp/-Res Cecilia: +Atk/-Hp Leo+1: +Atk/-Spd Nephenee: +Hp/-Def Elincia+3: +Spd/-Hp Maria+2: +Spd/-Atk Olivia: +Spd/-Def Peri+2: +Spd/-Def Shigure (Performing): +Atk/-Spd Azura+3 (Performing): +Spd/-Def Inigo+1 (Performing): +Atk/-Res Olivia+1 (Performing): +Atk/-Res Caeda (Bride): +Hp/-Def Mae+3: +Hp/-Def Rebecca+2: +Atk/-Def Xander+2 (Spring): +Atk/-Spd Deirdre: +Hp/-Spd Sigurd: +Atk/-Def Effie+2: +Def/-Hp Effie: +Res/-Spd Ayra+1: +Spd/-Res Gray: +Def/-Res Luke: +Atk/-Res Athena: +Atk/-Hp Contact me: Email: [email protected] Skype: [email protected] kik: michaelphonson1
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