Hey there, I'm selling my Smite account. It has 275 gems, 80k favor and the godpack (so all existing and future gods are unlocked). Accountlevel is 93. Two Gods are Mastery X: Rat and Ymir. The Account finished Season 3 in Diamond 1 (So you got the Diamond S3 Border), the S4 Spring Split in Masters, Summer Split in Diamond 2 and is right now in Masters Top 200. 66 Skins, 12 Ward Skins and 27 Icons. Some Boosters are still left on the Account. With the Hinduman and Nevercake Announcer Packs and 5 loading frames. If you want any more detailed infos, just ask and you shall receive. Cheers. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1509038912/zyiylnahfk2kh7qoqo2n.jpg