Vip 15 acc with 10k Dias saved on it . Pictures on demand only (so one uses my pics to scam ) Selling Pokeland Legend VIP 13. (Almost 14, 1000 dias away) Player Level: 95 VIP Level: 13 Main Team Power: 7 mill Second team power: 5 mill Arena rank: #4 EXVS rank: #5 Collected Pokemon's: 254 Mount: LVL 38 Z-Ring -> 3th ring level 27 Almost all legendaries included Black and White Kyurem, Zygarde 100%, Origin Groudon and Kyogre. Platinum sets lvl 95 for all main team. 2 more sets for second team. Gym leader. Support Zygarde lvl 21 (with remove buff, block rage and heal) Home beauty 2655. Explorer lvl: 946 Master lvls are maxed Number of Megas: #23 Are in best guild Guild tech is maxed 9 pokemon with ability 2 1) B&W Kyurem team with Origin Kyogre 2)Zygarde 100%, origin groundon, Ho-oh 3) Giratina, Arceus, Mega Rayquaza Everyone flash/shiny Account currently Shard's : + 185 uni Shard's + Lots of shards on all pokemon: Ex. 120 tapu lele, 162 Xurki, 126 Meloetta and so on. + 1000+ flash coins Current Dias at time of this posting: 8500 And you get DAILY FREE Diamonds from : -> Arena = 300 -> Gyms = 100 -> Monster Riot = 700+ -> Prime card =100
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: matsemast Re: #1[/trigger]
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Update: - 3500 unishard - VIP 14 - Got uxie - Got ho-oh platinum accesory and maxed it - Mount lvl 39 - Second team power 6 mill