Selling Wts - 800+mil power base

Discussion in 'Invasion Modern Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WantToSellAccount, 10/25/17.

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  1. WantToSellAccount

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    Selling MAIN ACCOUNT + 10 FARMS

    Over 800mil in power
    Commander lvl 54 vip 12
    Currently holding almost 10 billion in resources in total

    All basic research complete (Subsidary has 6 more to go)
    Advanced Attack = Only extra queue to complete
    Advanced Commander = Gathering Speed 5/10 | Fast Repair 6/10 | Action Points Restore 8/10 | Commander Level II 0/5 | Enemy Total Defence 0/10 | March Capacity 0/10 - Rest is all complete

    2 Red officer r5 | 4 Red officer r1/r2 | Majority orange maxed for Air A / Suv D | Majority of best research officers MAXED
    6 Orange wingman 2 purple and few blue


    If emptied daily and ran correctly these produce around 1bil energy | 1bil oil | 600mil steel | 1.7bil food | 800mil cash | 1 Farm is set up with 250k+ garages for self xp gain damage/repair .... all others have 1 garage and 25k approx capacity for same process

    One farm currently vip 5
    One farm currently vip 4 (Very close to vip 5 and holding about 55k dimes)
    All other farms at least vip 1/2

    If you require any more information please don't hesitate to ask
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  2. Jeffery byrd

    Jeffery byrd
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