Sold (wts) rank 173 whale rainbow grid endgame account: 75 ssr has s. Zooey, primal

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EndlessBadLuck, 10/25/17.

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  1. EndlessBadLuck

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    Offers welcome. This is a high endgame account with tons of limited characters and summons. MLB rainbow grids and tons of +99s. It has tons of supplies so you won't have much to grind. 5 dvd codes have been used.

    Notables include: *Limited characters: S. Bea, S. Zooey, S. Dian, Katalina,Lecia, Lucio, Orchid, Rosetta and more.

    4 GW characters(Esser 5, Six 5, Song 5, Seofon 4*)
    *Sarasa and Quatre can be made with bar.
    *Every element mainhand is GW dagger or GW Harp and Wind has GW Sword.
    Xenos finished, 6 claws ( 5 MLB claws and 1 0 claw)
    *Murgleis MLB, Cosmo sword, MLB Gisla and Ultima weapon can be made anytime.
    *Every Zodiac character so far: Anila, Andira, and Mahira
    Notable summons: MLB Lucifer, Lucifer 0, MLB Shiva, Odin, MLB Athena, Athena 0, MLB Hector, Zeus 0, Zephyrus 0*, white rabbit.
    *24 outfits, tons for main character
    *Lots of SRFodder,SSRFodders, and Baha weapons in Stashes. 6 weapon box stashes, 2 summon box stashes

    *54 Gold moons, 181 silver moons, and 402 Bronze moons

    If you wanna know anything else or plan to buy please contact me on discord at Rei#1937. Don't Reply here as I check my discord a lot more often. I invested a a lot into this account so any lowballs will be ignored. I'll continue to play everyday till the account is sold. Thanks for reading!

    Grids and Supplies: Link
    Characters and Summons: Link
    Edit: Current Offer:
    Buyout is $2500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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