Sold Selling NA Account - 1 T Ult+7 T Max + 1 T base + 10 Keys

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Blera, 10/24/17.

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  1. Blera

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    Selling my account. $100 (paypal only)
    I can accept PSN Card. Please PM on this site

    It includes:

    Paladin lvl 117
    Archer lvl 117
    Healer lvl 111
    All equipments lvl 117 with U and SSS gems.

    Ultimate Margareth
    Max Shadow Howl
    Max Falcon
    Max Manalandy
    Max Blackaria
    Max Bliss Foxy
    Max Tracy
    Max Bloodwind
    Base Brightspark

    Ultimate Helios
    Ultimate Tiehr
    Ultimate Iota
    Ultimate Omega
    Ultimate Thanatos
    Ultimate Epsilon
    Ultimate Gaia
    Ultimate Ouranos
    Ultimate Thanatos
    Base Sasha
    Base Ragnarok

    3k+ Rubis
    669 T essence
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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